Federal Government Sector
- Department of Homeland Security
United States Customs and Border Protection
- Conducting passenger surveys at 25 U.S. airports to assess customer satisfaction and related experiences in the Customs and Border Protection Federal Inspection Services (FIS) areas. The results of this survey will focus on drivers of passenger satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and root cause analyses will be conducted to determine areas for improvement.
Office of Infrastructure Protection
- Management Control and Technical Assistance Support – Provided management control and technical assistance support, including:
- Developed and implemented a balanced scorecard framework and performance management solution which assisted IP in aligning its initiatives to its strategic goals and priorities, promoting continuous improvement, improving internal and external communications, and boosting accountability. The scorecard allows IP’s leadership to make strategic, operational, and budgetary decisions by analyzing the accomplishments and performance of its programs and activities. It also provides IP with data on how it is performing in the areas of customer/stakeholder satisfaction, finances, internal processes, and employee learning and growth.
- Conducted a Lean Six Sigma analysis of all human capital processes for IP and the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). The analysis focused on streamlining and improving the recruitment, reassignment, realignment, and table of organization change processes with documented changes in time, costs, and non-value added processes.
- Via a Project Management Office (PMO), developed and implemented a centralized and coordinated approach and structure to managing and providing oversight for all projects IP has with the Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). The PMO established a framework to gain better visibility and transparency into FFRDC project performance, and to better manage processes to identify, prioritize, and monitor FFRDC projects and contracts. The PMO also improved the communication across these projects to minimize duplicative efforts within IP.
- Provided human capital (HC) subject matter expertise and guidance to IP human capital managers/BST members. Projects/assignments included: Preparation or review of recruitment packages; preparation or review of position descriptions or addendums; research and guidance on position management/structure and internal movement; research and guidance on supervisory position management/structure; research and guidance for SOPD reorganization (movement into accurate PDs); liaison with NPPD HC for classification issues; and special projects.
- Professional Support Services – Provided strategic support services to IP management, which included conducting a workforce analysis, performing a gap analysis between strategic plans, developing, disseminating, and presenting a comprehensive strategy to “Protect the Nation’s Infrastructure,” developing a Communications Strategy Plan, drafting Strategic Assessment Reports, finalizing the Assessment of the Future Years Study, and performing additional studies and analyses to meet IP’s evolving needs.
- Management Support Services – Provided management process improvement and strategic evaluation support services necessary to support IP’s mission, including:
- Performance Management: This task area included conducting “best practice” surveys, job analyses, and validity studies, as well as developing performance plans, measurement, feedback systems, and/or developing model performance plans.
- Workforce Productivity: This task area included developing measurement systems and collecting performance baseline data; designing and developing electronic performance support systems to increase workforce productivity; and recommending strategies for addressing human factors and/or ergonomic or organizational issues that impact overall productivity.
- Business Process Reengineering: This task area included identifying and evaluating IP’s core business processes; benchmarking to identify best practices; redesigning organizational structure and processes; integrating human and technology systems; and applying systematic change management processes.
- Strategic Workforce Planning: This task area included developing an executive and management succession planning system; developing a methodology to align the current and future workforce with IP’s strategic direction; developing competency-based employee selection tools; and developing an integrated competency and classification system that supports mission, values, and organization goals.
- Management Strategies: This task area included strategies that focus on five dimensions of human capital, which include supporting strategic alignment, strategic competencies, leadership, performance culture, and learning.
- Mission Support Services – Provided financial and business solutions in the areas of budget, financial, human capital, and program management support, including strategic planning and policy development.
- Professional Program Support – Provided program analysis, policy, and overseas critical infrastructure assessment and identification support for HITRAC.
Citizenship and Immigration Services
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys – Performed customer satisfaction surveys for USCIS customers, which included a monthly telephone survey of NCSC 800-Line customers, with 370 completed samples (approximately 1,500 telephone calls); 900 electronic surveys per quarter of INFOPASS customers, which consisted of inviting approximately 8,000 customers to participate; an ELIS e-survey of at least 900 surveys per quarter of ELIS customers; 80 in-person surveys at four different local offices; and three focus groups, each consisting of two sessions, to discuss USCIS customer experiences, the results of which were presented to local office management staff.
- Business Transformation Services – Performed business transformation consulting services to help USCIS move to a new centralized electronic environment that will enable faster and more efficient and accurate immigration benefits determination and processing.
- Call Center Monitoring and Mystery Shopping – Conducted monitoring and mystery shopping services on call centers providing responses to USCIS customer inquiries.
- Time and Motion Study – Performed a time and motion study to determine the proper time frames needed for the Customer Assistance Office staff to perform the tasks involved in preparing appropriate responses to customer correspondence.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Planning and Technical Assistance Support (PTAS) – Currently a team member on this five-year contract that supports Headquarters and Regional planning initiatives which enable FEMA to provide successful Federal operational and disaster response capability. The work being performed under this procurement includes research, analytical, logistical, and other planning support, including the 2012 Republican National Convention.
- Strategic Workforce Planning Initiative – Analyzed FEMA’s contracted workforce to determine the type of contracting support used in the agency, skill sets and experience required to perform this work, length and frequency of use, geographic and organizational breakdown of use, and recommendations for an appropriate ratio of contractors to staff. This study included aligning contractor activities to each FEMA pillar (Prepare, Protect, Respond, Recover, Mitigate).
- Organizational Assessment - Conducted an organizational assessment for the FEMA Security Branch in order to improve operational performance. The objective of the assessment was to identify the quality and effectiveness of the current organization, including the root causes of ineffective operating practices and internal and external contributory elements. The assessment included a review and evaluation of leading practices and business models from other Government security organizations.
United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Information Technology
- Program/Project Management Services – Currently a team member on this five-year contract providing program/project management and logistics support services for the US-VISIT Program.
- Department of Defense
Defense Contract Audit Agency
- Workforce Analysis - Conducted a detailed assessment of the Security Division’s current capabilities. The review consisted of evaluating current operating practices, optimal staffing levels, and appropriate performance measures. Additionally, an evaluation of leading practices and business models from other Government security organizations was conducted and a gap analysis to identify potential gaps where current capabilities do not meet the relevant regulatory/policy requirements or have significant improvement opportunities to reach the level of the relevant leading practices was also performed.
United States Southern Command
- Manpower Survey - Conducted a review of manpower for Headquarters, U.S. Southern Command, to identify and prioritize full-time equivalent (FTE) requirements. The review resulted in a list of process descriptions for all Headquarters, U.S. Southern Command directorates and a list of workload drivers, which included external, measurable factors that drive the workload and manpower. Additional deliverables included directorate organization layout displaying how manpower resources are distributed; graphs and charts depicting actual FTE workload and distribution of effort; graphs and charts depicting how employees and leaders prioritize work, missions, and functions within their organizations; outline of which functions support tactical operations and which support strategic requirements; a tool that provides the capability to evaluate requirements as workload values change and the ability to anticipate the effect of management decisions on future manpower requires or requirements; study results that clearly illustrate properly versus improperly manpower-aligned organizations; and an automated tool for each employee to rate his/her work.
- United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Office of Human Resources, SEC University
- Resume Writing Workshop – Conducted a series of resume writing workshops to teach SEC personnel successful writing strategies for developing a Federal resume that maximizes the chances of getting an employment interview. The course covered proper formatting, use of keywords, resume writing tips, understanding a federal Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA), how to tailor the resume to support the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA), and understanding the OPM questionnaire and self-assessment tools.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Policy Development and Research
- Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Administrative Fee Study – Performed a series of time studies throughout the country at several local, state, and regional public housing agencies (PHAs) that operate highperforming voucher programs as a basis of determining administrative costs. The time studies focused on measuring staff time spent on core program activities, such as initial and ongoing occupancy, field inspections, and program monitoring, through hundreds of direct observations. As a result, time standards were developed using traditional Industrial Engineering time and motion study techniques and methods. This effort was the first part of a two-phase approach designed to quantify the activities performed by PHAs required to administer the voucher program and their related costs.
Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
- Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program – Provided technical assistance to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to expand homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate-income families. This assistance was geared toward the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program (HCVHP) in partnership with emphasis on colonias and migrant farm workers or their adult children, as well as for persons with disabilities. Coordinated outreach to a variety of faith-based and community-based organizations across the country that provide housing services to families and individuals in the target population. Additionally, identified viable nonprofits and community based organizations that are engaged in providing housing and related services to low income populations by establishing relationships with the National Communities Stabilization Trust, Habitat for Humanity, and other faith and community-based organizations that are engaged in the housing arena. Due to our efforts, over 50 focus group sessions were conducted, with attendance averaging approximately 40 participants per session. This resulted in almost 1,500 colonias, farm worker, and disabled families achieving the American dream of homeownership.
Office of Single Family Asset Management (OSFAM)
- Quality Assurance Plan – Developed a quality assurance plan containing strategic internal management controls for the oversight of its contractors that maintain, inspect, market, and sell HUD’s single family homes. The objective of the plan was to quantify and monitor performance-based requirements for HUD’s Marketing and Management contractors to ensure contractual compliance and adequate program management. The plan consisted of developing monitoring procedures and an automated tool for linking specific program performance to contractually mandated performance metrics and objectives. A training component for approximately 100 HUD staff on the use of the plan was conducted.
- Analysis of Procedural Functions – Completed an analysis of procedural functions, staffing, and internal controls of the homeownership centers that are responsible for overseeing contractors that maintain, inspect, market, and sell HUD’s single family homes. The analysis resulted in recommendations for enhanced reporting relationships and organizational alignment, uniform application of internal control policies and procedures, and appropriate levels of staffing to meet OSFAM objectives.
State / Local Government and Non-Profit Sectors
State of Florida
- Management Consulting Services - Contracted to provide management consulting to the Department of Management Services in the category of Management, Organizational, and Business Improvement Services.
Orlando Orange County Expressway Authority
- Customer Satisfaction Survey – Conducted a series of customer satisfaction surveys of OOCEA customers to assess the opinions of customers relating to the quality and safety of roads that make up the Expressway system, satisfaction with E-PASS and E-PASS services, toll services, advertising, and various other issues. The JRD team designed and developed survey instruments, developed sampling methodologies, and analyzed approximately 50,000 survey responses.
Miami-Dade County
- Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan – Member of a team providing post-disaster redevelopment plan services, including forming committees; assessing plans, policies, and regulations; assessing institutional capacity; and developing strategies for long-term recovery after a disaster.
- Management Advisory Consulting Services Pool - Providing General Management, Finance, Economics, and Operations consulting services to Miami-Dade County.
- Organizational Review - Assessed the Miami-Dade Aviation Department’s organizational structure, including staffing levels and business functions. This project included conducting interviews and analyzing the functions performed at County airports, the staffing utilized in performing the functions, and identifying staff shortages/overages by functional area. In addition, focus groups were conducted to solicit employees’ feedback on the effectiveness of the organization, staffing levels, workflow, and supervisory practices of the Department.
- Strategic Plan - Assisted with the development and implementation of a countywide strategic plan. The engagement included facilitating focus group sessions for hundreds of residents and County personnel to determine service priorities and to train them on components of the strategic plan.
- Cost Allocation Plan - Developed a cost allocation plan for the Miami-Dade Transit Agency to determine the appropriate allocation of revenues and expenditures for the People’s Transportation Plan tax. The plan resulted in the development of a cost-based (direct and indirect) fee schedule for additional Agency services provided as a result of the tax.
Miami-Dade Aviation Department
- Queuing Study – Conducted a queuing study for the new Miami International Airport Customer Federal Inspection Services area which optimized passenger throughput, passport processing times, and Customs and Border Protection staffing levels.
- Miami International Airport North Terminal FIS APC Kiosk Optimization Study – JRD completed an optimization study for the Miami-Dade Aviation Department at Miami International Airport (MIA), the airport with the second largest number of international passengers in the United States, to maximize passenger throughput and minimize CBP processing times at MIA’s North Terminal FIS as part of its APC kiosk implementation. MIA installed 36 APC kiosks in November 2013. The approach for the study consisted of:
- Conducting a project planning meeting at project commencement, which included MIA management, as well as CBP MIA port leadership
- Reviewing relevant documents and statistics on passenger arrivals, APC kiosk functions, CBP published wait times, and other relevant information
- Conducting a visit to Orlando International Airport (MCO) and JFK to observe the placement of kiosks in their FIS, and meeting with MCO and JFK management and CBP port officials to discuss kiosk implementation benefits and constraints
- Assessing and recommending alternatives for APC kiosk locations in the FIS
- Providing recommendations on signage, queuing, and communications to improve passenger throughput, pre- and post-APC kiosk implementation
- Developing all data collection instruments and training JRD time study analysts on the study parameters and the functionality of the APC kiosks
- Conducting time studies pre- and post-APC kiosk implementation to assess time savings of United States citizens (USC) as the first passenger type authorized by CBP to utilize the kiosks
- Compiling all data and conducting analysis on time study results
- Conducting an assessment of kiosk functionality and issues for resolution
- Performing a modeling and simulation analysis given the data collected and other parameters
- Preparing a briefing and presenting results, findings, and recommendations to MIA and CBP port leadership, as well as airline representatives
- Average pre-kiosk implementation processing time was 12.44 minutes for all passengers sampled
- Average post-kiosk implementation processing time was 11.12 minutes for all passengers, a decrease of 10.6% (average time for USC decreased by almost 40%)
- 22% of passengers using the APC kiosks were referred to CBP triage booths because their APC receipt was marked with an “X”
Lake County, IN
- Good Government Initiative - Conducted a management study of all government functions in a five-jurisdictional area in Lake County, IN. This assessment resulted in the reengineering of major processes in many functions, as well as cost-saving measures in these five local governments.
City of Miami Beach
- Building Permit Fee Analysis - Performed a building permit fee analysis for the Building Department. The analysis involved reviewing historical and current data, performing a comparative analysis with similar building departments, and analyzing department revenues and expenditures. The results were presented to the City’s Budget Board for approval and resulted in the first building permit fee increase in twelve years.
- Development of Performance Measures - Performed a best practices analysis and development of key performance indicators and measures for the Building Department. The analysis involved benchmarking municipal building departments at the local, state, and national levels, as well as soliciting feedback from the City’s various customer groups.
- Building Permit Fee Audit - Assisted the City’s Audit Department with a forensic audit of building permit fees to ensure accurate application of the City’s building permit fee schedule to City-issued permits.
City of Miami
- Business Process Review - Conducted an assessment of business processes, development of future processes with improvements, a gap analysis between current and future states, development of a governance manual that incorporated industry best practices, and an assessment of staffing levels and customer perceptions for the City of Miami land management functional areas.
- Simplified Building Permit Fee Schedule - Developed a simplified building permit fee schedule, resulting in greater permitting process efficiency, enhanced customer service, and appropriate revenue stream. The analysis involves reviewing historical statistical and financial data, performing a comparative analysis with similar building departments, and analyzing department revenues and expenditures.
City of Miami Gardens
- Building Department Review - Conducted a management review of existing operations, organizational structure, and staffing to identify opportunities for improving Department operations.
- Customer Outreach Review – Conducted a survey of Building Department customers to solicit stakeholder feedback and perceptions on Department operations.
- Simplified Building Permit Fee Schedule - Developed a simplified building permit fee schedule which resulted in greater permitting process efficiency, enhanced customer service, and appropriate revenue stream. The analysis involved reviewing historical and current financial data, performing a comparative analysis with similar building departments, and analyzing department revenues and expenditures.
City of Hollywood, FL
- Building Division Review – Conducted an organizational and staffing analysis of the Building Division, conduct a customer service survey and focus groups, and develop workload standards/performance measures to maximize the customer experience and efficiencies in the Building division.
State of Texas Legislative Budget Board
- Financial Analysis of the Regional Education Service Center - Conducted a review of the financial conditions of Regional Education Service Centers in the State of Texas, as well as reviewing their funding sources to determine the adequacy of State appropriations to the centers.
Florida International University
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys of the Human Resources Department, Comptroller’s Office, and Purchasing Department - Conducted customer satisfaction surveys for the Human Resources Department, Comptroller’s Office, and Purchasing Department at Florida International University.
Jubilee Community Development Corporation
- Affordable Housing Construction Management - Reengineered and managed the construction process for Jubilee Community Development Corporation for the rehabilitation of homes damaged by Hurricane Andrew under the “We Will Rebuild” program. The funding for this program was $10 million and was provided by a State of Florida grant.
Private Sector
Starbucks Coffee Company
- Oven Warmer Study - Conducted a speed of service study to determine the operational impact of an oven used to warm items.
- Magistrale Espresso Machine Study - Conducted a speed of service study to determine the operational impact of Magistrale Espresso Machine.
- Cup Labeler Machine Study - Conducted a series of speed of service studies to determine the operational impact of a cup labeler machine.
- Drive-thru Menu Board Study - Conducted a speed of service study to determine the operational impact of a modified menu board.
Burger King Corporation
- Operational Logistics - Managed the logistics for the repackaging and distribution of seven million promotional toys for Restaurant Services, Inc., the Burger King Corporation purchasing cooperative. Was responsible for coordinating the transportation of toys from twenty distribution centers, developing workload standards and workplace design for the repackaging operation for approximately 200 employees, supervising on-site and monitoring the quality of the operation, and developing and maintaining proper documentation for management information reporting.
- Speed of Service - Conducted a series of speed of service studies to determine the operational impacts of targeted company initiatives.
Sports Authority, Inc.
- Work Measurement Study - Performed a work measurement study resulting in the development of labor standards for all functional areas of the sales floor and stockroom.
Coco’s & Carrows, Inc.
- Reengineering of Administrative Functions - Performed a reengineering of the administrative functions for restaurant managers. The engagement included facilitating focus group sessions for managers, which resulted in streamlined functions, the elimination of manual reporting tasks, operational efficiencies, and enhanced customer and crew interaction.